Taking your horse off grounds can be a big step in their training. There's a lot of commotion at a show or rodeo event. From new horses and loud sounds to unusual smells and flags, your horse is in for an experience like none other! If you want to have a pleasant time, then make sure to prepare your horse for this new adventure.

Before you attend a show, your horse should be able to...

  1. Load and unload off a trailer: This is a learned skill, so don't wait till the morning of to practice it. You also don't want to get stuck at the show grounds because your horse refuses to get back on the trailer. They should be a pro at trailering!
  2. Stand patiently: There's a lot of standing around at shows and rodeos. Ideally, they should be able to stand quietly while tied to the side of the trailer. It can be hours before you head home.
  3. Be confident around other horses: If you haven't ridden your horse around other ones, then don't start at a show. You'll want to practice before you trailer out. Some horses get really distracted or dangerous when they're not use to others zooming by them.
  4. Stay calm with noise and commotion: There's everything from dogs and running children to announcers and loud music. You better not ride your horse in a bubble at home because they'll be in for a real shock at a rodeo or show.
  5. Know the test or pattern: Practice makes perfect! Make sure to school your horse at home for at least a few weeks beforehand. You both should know the test or pattern confidently. Some even suggest showing at a level lower than you ride at home.
show rodeo COWGIRL magazine
Running a barrel pattern. Photo by Ronald Plett.

There's really no greater feeling than showing off all the hard work you've done with your horse. Competitions can be so much fun if you come properly prepared!

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