The weather is warming up and cowgirls are finding innovative ways to stay cool after long, hot days.

One of the best ways for cowgirls to cool off this summer is also one of the most simple ways. What could I be talking about?  Stock tank pools!

These types of pools are traditionally used as watering troughs for livestock, but have become a popular alternative to traditional swimming holes in recent years as they only cost several hundred dollars to buy, providing a relatively low cost option for those who don’t want to purchase a pool or keep up with a lot of maintenance.

Check out this stock tank pool inspiration and get ready to be blown away!

Stock tank pools cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of

Are you officially sold on stock tank pools yet? You can take them anywhere! How could you beat relaxing in this tub while taking in beautiful views?

Stock tank pools cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of

These fun sized pools are a hit among kids as well as adults!

Stock tank pools cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of

This is perfect! I’m pretty sure this dog agrees.

Stock tank pools cowgirl magazine
Photo courtesy of

Are you sold on stock tank pools yet? If you are, the above picture is actually from a DIY tutorial that would make for the perfect summer project! If you’re interested in making your very own miniature pool like the one seen above, click here.

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