Emily Fought


A Foal With A Unique Face

It’s not every day you see a foal with such incredible markings! This special colt is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique face. Known as a badger marking, the white stripes that run down his face give him an exotic look. People from around the world are sharing his photos! An Eye-Catching...

7 Signs Of Thrush In Horses

Thrush is a nasty fungus that affects the underside of your horse’s hooves. It primarily targets their frog and the areas around it. Not only does it smell awful, but it can leave your horse uncomfortable and tender. In most cases, thrush is caused by dirty stalls, moisture, and lack of regular hoof care. Watch...

10 Wild Facts About Reining

It doesn’t get more exhilarating than reining! You’ll really hear the crowd hoot and holler at a competition. These horse and rider teams are performing some incredible maneuvers like sliding stops, spins, and loping circles. The sport continues to gain more attention and drawl in new riders! There’s a lot more to it than what...

5 Fun Facts About Your Horse's Heart

February is American Heart Month, so why not learn something interesting about your horse’s heart. This large organ is vital to their health and survival. You may have seen your veterinarian listen to it during check ups, but what else do you know? Get ready to be wooed with these fun facts! Your Horse’s Heart...

The Perfect Valentine's Day Gifts For Horse Lovers

Nothing will impress your sweetheart more than a horse-inspired gift this Valentine’s Day! From personalized saddle bags and chocolate to striking lead ropes and horse treats, there are so many fun and unique options for cowgirls. Whether you’re buying for a friend, your partner, or even yourself, everyone can enjoy these gifts! Valentine’s Day Treats...

Horse Home Decor Done Right

Some cowgirls know how to decorate their home perfectly! They display horse artwork, throw pillows, and rugs so easily. You too can have a beautifully decorated home. It’s helpful to search the web for inspiration. You can also create a western vibe with the right decor pieces. Horse Decor How unique is this wallpaper?!? Not...

Elegant Gemstone Tack For Your Western Horse

Gemstones add a special touch to tack! Their beauty, durability, and rarity make each one unique. Your horse can wear a custom-crafted headstall, breast collar, or halter adorn with turquoise, crystals, quartz, and other various stones. There are plenty of different color options and designs. Choose the one that speaks to you! Gemstone Tack @equinejeweleddesigns...

What's The Mustang Roll?

You have likely heard the term mustang roll if you use a barefoot trimmer. Simply put, the edges of the hoof wall are rounded. It all began with the observations of wild horses out West. A distinct roll of the hoof wall was noticed. Barefoot trimmers decided to replicate this natural pattern in the hooves....

Beautiful Horse Mugs For Winter Days

It’s a well-known fact that horsewomen enjoy their morning and afternoon coffee. Because most are early risers, it only makes sense that they’d need a boost of caffeine to get them going! These stunning mugs are the perfect choice for horse lovers. You can sip your coffee, tea, or hot chocolate on these cold winter...
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