Trail obstacle challenges are so much fun! They put you and your horse's communication and trust to the test. From natural obstacles like creeks and fallen logs to man-made ones like pool noodles and tarps, there are a bunch of unique and interesting ideas available. You can create your own course with a collection of obstacles you build yourself. They serve as a great training tool!

DIY Trail Obstacles

Here's a simple idea- pool noodles on jump standards. The idea is that your horse has to walk through it. The noodles are colorful and blow easily in the wind. It can be quite intimidating for a horse, but with practice you can build their confidence up.

Wow! Talk about creative. This obstacle has hanging tarps, suspended barrels, and plastic water bottles to walk through. It's a great challenge for any horse.

This obstacle is a DIY ball pit with plastic kid balls surrounded by ground poles. Would your horse willingly walk over these?

What's more scary- the stuffed coyote or wooden bridge? This Appaloosa isn't too sure about that kid's toy.

Old telephone poles and fallen logs make great obstacles. Your horse can jump over or side pass them.

What a unique collection! You can easily build these and many others. Get creative and have fun with it!

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