As the summer heat rolls in, horse owners and enthusiasts eagerly gear up for exciting adventures and competitions. However, it’s crucial not to overlook the well-being and comfort of our equine companions during these hot months. One essential factor to consider is the proper airflow within horse trailers. In this post, industry leader, Hart Trailers explores the importance of ensuring adequate ventilation and airflow for horses when transporting them, and highlights some valuable tips to keep them cool, calm, and collected throughout the journey.

There are four key areas that Hart Trailers believe make a big impact on how well your horse hauls in the heat this summer.

Promoting Respiratory Health
Just like humans, horses can be affected by heat stress and respiratory issues, especially when confined in enclosed spaces. Adequate airflow in horse trailers helps to minimize the buildup of heat, dust, and noxious gases, providing a healthier environment for our four-legged friends. Proper ventilation also aids in reducing the risk of respiratory infections and allergies, ensuring their well-being during transit.

Regulating Temperature
Maintaining a comfortable temperature within the horse trailer is essential to prevent heat-related complications. Horses are susceptible to heat exhaustion and dehydration, which can lead to severe health issues. Good airflow helps to dissipate heat and minimize humidity levels, preventing the trailer from turning into a hot and stuffy space. By regulating the temperature, we can ensure our horses remain cool, reducing the risk of heat-related ailments.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Transportation can be a stressful experience for horses. Inadequate airflow can increase their anxiety, leading to restlessness. By optimizing ventilation and promoting airflow, we create a more relaxing and inviting atmosphere for our equine companions. This helps to alleviate their stress levels, allowing for a cooler and more enjoyable journey.

Preventing Poor Air Quality
Over time, horse trailers can accumulate dust, and other airborne contaminants. These pollutants not only compromise the air quality but can also trigger allergies and respiratory distress in horses. Sufficient airflow helps to remove these contaminants, maintaining a cleaner and healthier environment for our equine friends. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your trailer’s mats & floor can be vital to ensure quality air within the trailer and to minimize the likelihood of health risks associated with poor air quality.

Where does your Hart Trailer come in? We’re glad you asked!

While there are many options for optimizing airflow in your Hart trailer there is one component that remains the same in every single trailer that leaves the plant. Any ideas? We’ll give you a hint; It takes the most direct heat than any other part of your trailer.

Did you guess roof? If so, you can proudly pat yourself on the back. Now let us tell you WHY when you choose Hart you are already ahead of the game and on step closer to beating the heat this summer.

You will never find a sheeted roof on a Hart trailer. Rather you will find a polypropylene honeycomb roof with a high-gloss gel coating that provides protection against the elements, especially the heat. Not only is this an exceptionally strong roof, it is UV Stable and is also a roof that will keep your trailer significantly cooler in the heat than a traditional sheeted roof. This is a huge advantage for your equine partner during the hottest months of the year.

Hart also offers the option for drop-down doors on both the head and hip sides of your trailer. Drop-downs on the head side are essential when it comes to making sure that your horse stays hydrated on the road and in the heat.

Within each drop-down is a sliding window with a screen. Safety-bar grills on the head side give your horse the ultimate freedom and airflow in the summer while simultaneously prioritizing their safety.

Aside from drop-down feed doors and traditional sliding windows, you may also choose to ventilate your Hart trailer with the option of plexi-rail on either side of your trailer.

Pop-up roof vents are another ventilation option that come standard on every Hart Trailer.

Lastly, Hart offers our customers the option to upgrade their dividers to ventilated dividers rather than solid dividers. This options allows for optimal airflow within the trailer in combination with the primary ventilation systems while going down the road. This might seem like a small change but the impact that it can have on keeping our horses cool is anything but.

At Hart, we do everything that we possibly can to make hauling a safe and seamless experience for our customers and our animals.

Prioritizing proper airflow and ventilation within horse trailers is essential for the well-being and comfort of our equine companions during the summer months. By ensuring a healthy, fresh, and cool environment, we can minimize the risk of heat-related ailments, respiratory distress, and anxiety. Happy and content horses make for successful and enjoyable trips and allow for our equine athletes to perform at the most optimal level once they arrive to their destinations.

Beat the heat this summer in a Hart Trailer!

To find out more information on Hart trailers and how they are made please visit our website at You can also reach out to a certified Hart dealer nearest you to go and check out one of these trailers and see for yourself the difference that is Hart Trailer.

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