books we love

Books We Love: Riders Of A Certain Age

June 1, 2022
Surveys show that riders over the age of 40 are the fastest-growing segment of the horse world, with those 65 and above seeing the biggest jump.  Since “60 is the new 40,” finding women in their 70s sitting in the saddle is almost routine. There are dozens of books, magazines, websites, and videos about horse training...

Books We Love: Lady Of The Law

May 19, 2022
Since becoming sheriff of the quaint town of Dry Creek, California, in the early 1870s, Maude Overstreet strived to keep citizens safe and maintain order in her own quirky, but effective way. In the newest novel about the unique and less than graceful public official entitled Lady of the Law, Sheriff Overstreet finds herself on the...

Books We Love: Back-Tracking In Memory

May 4, 2022
All the world remembers Charlie Russell, Montana’s cowboy artist, who died in 1926 at the height of his career, but only a few remember his wife Nancy Cooper Russell. Russell married Nancy in 1896. He was half cowboy, half artist. He had achieved a local reputation for his drawings but had not dreamed of his possibilities.  Nancy became...

Books We Love: Cockeyed Happy: Ernest Hemingway’s Wyoming Summers With Pauline

January 12, 2022
Journalist and magazine editor Darla Worden’s book covers Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway, arguably the most influential American writer of his generation, and his time in Wyoming with his second wife Pauline Pfeiffer.  This is a stirring story that not only highlights an aspect of the famous novelist’s private life, but acts as travelogue through...

Books We Love: Raid Of Souls

January 5, 2022
Raid of Souls by Kalen Vaughan Johnson is the riveting tale of a few dedicated, hardworking miners in northern California fighting against greedy, unscrupulous landowners hell-bent on destroying a town to get rich.  James MacLaren, one of the town’s leading citizens, is an honest man who wants to stop a corrupt finance network from getting...

Books We Love: The Farmer And The Chef

November 21, 2021
There are those across the country that work in acres, not in hours.  And they believe farming is not merely an occupation or a job, but a tradition, a heritage.  Those farmers also know these days consumers are watching how they raise the food we eat.  They are keenly aware that customers want affordable food...

Books We Love: Dudes Rush In

November 14, 2021
Phoebe McFarland’s friends are taken aback when she announced she’d be leaving her comfortable job in northern California to work at a dude ranch in Arizona.  It was 1952.  Phoebe had lost her husband in the war and was feeling despondent, displaced, and disinterested in much of anything.  She believed the change would do her...

Books We Love: Happy Trails

November 7, 2021
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans made their first movie together in 1944, and so began a dazzling partnership with a devoted public following that lasted 52 years. In this charming photographic biography, readers meet the talented young man and woman who would eventually become the royal couple of B-rated Westerns, a reign that would last...

Books We Love: The Secret Life Of Bees

September 11, 2021
The Secret Life of Bees by Moira Butterfield is part science, part history, part folklore, and all fun. Butterfield covers all aspects of bees, providing readers with important facts about the colorful insects including their habits, hives, and talent for making honey. Readers of all ages will be captivated by the endless wonders of this seemingly small...
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