dry lot

10 Tips For Pasture Management

March 31, 2023
When you keep horses at home, you have the added responsibility of pasture management. Horses can quickly overgraze a field! They’ll leave them looking bare and weedy in a few days to weeks, depending on the size and number of horses. There is plenty you can do to avoid this though. Managing Your Horses’ Pastures...

How To Create A Dry Lot

March 9, 2022
A dry lot is a smaller paddock sectioned off from the rest of your fields. They’re also known as sacrifice areas because they protect the rest of your pastures from getting muddy. They’re helpful for easy keepers that can’t have a lot of grass, as well. Follow these tips for creating the perfect one! DIY...

Benefits Of A Dry Lot For Turnout

December 24, 2021
A dry lot, also known as a sacrifice paddock, is a smaller fenced in space for your horse to be turned out into. Some are dirt, while others have gravel footing. These spaces are used to restrict your horse’s access to their large grassy pastures. There are many benefits to them! Why Dry Lots Should...

The Best Size Pasture For Your Horse

August 24, 2017
Turnout in a pasture is good for your horse’s mental and physical well being. Grazing has many positive effects on the digestive system of your horse. If your field is too small, you risk overgrazing and poor nutrition. Careful management and planning ahead can help you get the perfect set up for your companion. Generally,...

Grazing Muzzles Save The Day

April 26, 2017
You might be one of the many owners that has to watch the grass intake of your beloved pony or horse. Once the grass begins to grow like wildfire, it is time to ensure your horse doesn’t get more than he should. Often horses and ponies struggle with obesity and other health concerns that require...

Why Your Farm Needs A Dry Lot

January 11, 2017
Pasture management begins with planning ahead. During winter and rainy seasons, horses can easily destroy fields within hours. The combination of running and kicking up their heels mixed with soggy footing and delicate grass spells mud. Dry lots, also know as sacrifice areas, give fields a chance at surviving nasty weather conditions. They also allow pastures to rest and not...

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