Some riders know the trouble of a horse that puts their tongue over the bit. It can be frustrating! The horse may be young and inexperienced or they may be an older horse that developed a bad habit of doing it. Either way, you'll need to find a solution to put a stop to it. Your bit won't be useful under your horse's tongue!

Tongue Over the Bit

Trainers get desperate to solve this problem, so they turn to methods like strapping the mouth stop or tying the tongue. This can lead to a resistant horse that only gets worse in the tacking up process! Fortunately, there's a more humane method that can fix this problem.

South River Ranch offers a simple cowboy trick to keeping the bit on top of the tongue. She attaches a plain piece of string to the bit, then ties it loosely around the nose and browband. Check out her video to see how it's done.

It's as simple and easy as that! After a few rides, your horse will quickly realize they can't get their tongue over the bit.

Being a horse trainer requires thinking outside the box sometimes. Always use humane methods! You'll have a horse that's more eager to work for you.

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