With any rodeo career, you are bound to run into owning a few back numbers.

Back numbers are the "papers" pinned to a contestant's back with a number (normally based on ranking), the rodeo association's name or a sponsor's name.

You can see a back number in action above!

So, what do you do with your collection of back numbers?

Frame them!

Photo courtesy of Tammy Bergman-Nelson

The most common thing is to frame them! A 9 by 11 frame works for most!

Decorate with Them!

One family put them on the back of their chairs! How unique! I love it!

Another placed theirs on their bedside table. Talk about gold buckle dreams!

Photo courtesy of Alicia Dickerson Photography

How cool is this light with back numbers!?

Wear Them!

Why have them if you can't wear them? Stand out by putting a back number on your purse!

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