Let’s be honest, you can forget the chocolate and the flowers when it comes to a cowgirl because the real way to her heart is simple:


Set #56 Couture Tack Collection, pricing available online, Heritage Brand.

She may love you, but she’ll never love you as much as her horse! (Sorry boys!) Show her how much you care by showing a little love to her horse too…


Corral Chocolate Floral Embroidery Square Toe, $214, River Trail Mercantile. Photo by Painted Cowgirl Western Store.

Seriously, can a cowgirl ever have enough boots?! You cannot go wrong there!


Naja Shanked Snaffle Bit, $280, Mad Cow Company.

I’m not talkin’ jewelry boys.. Nothing says “I love you” like a shiny pair of spurs or a fancy bit! (Okay, maybe that’s just me…)


Necklaces and bracelets, pricing available online, Shop COWGIRL.

Need I say more?


If you still can’t find the perfect gift for your cowgirl, take her riding! It’s a perfect way for her to spend time with her two favorite valentines.



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