Teaching your horse to collect under saddle is a great skill. It can take years of physical development for your horse to master collection. It's a total body transformation! Your horse's center of gravity shifts backwards and they become lighter on their forehand. While the idea may sound intimidating, there are plenty of simple exercises for teaching your horse collection.

How to Collect Your Horse

  1. Backing Up: It can be as simple as backing up! A horse that is backing must get their hind legs underneath themselves. This exercise will strengthen the hocks and hind end.
  2. Circles: Your horse should bend around your inside leg while traveling in a circle. Remember, a few good steps in the beginning is great. You can cue your horse to step out to expand the circle size by applying inside leg. Your inside rein should push onto their neck, while your outside one opens up. You can also decrease the circle's size. Your horse should continue bending around your inside leg. You'll need to open your inside rein, push your outside rein onto their neck, and use your outside leg to apply pressure.
  3. Transitions: Start with walk-trot-walk transitions. These allow your horse to develop suppleness, collection, and obedience to your aids. It's important you don't allow them to do "lazy" downward transitions or fall apart. Keep your horse forward and marching.
collect COWGIRL magazine
A horse trotting. Photo by Rebecca Scholz.

Collection takes time! Be patience and consistent. With these exercises and others like lateral movements, you'll be on the right path to training your horse correctly.

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