Clinton Anderson’s Walkabout is coming to five locations around the U.S. in 2017. Clinton presents a weekend full of horsemanship knowledge and entertainment that leaves equine enthusiasts of all ages inspired and empowered to take their horsemanship to the next level. The two-day event features eight training demonstrations: Colt starting, training on the trail, advanced riding, beyond fundamentals groundwork, One-on-one help, desensitizing to spooky objects, training a performance horse, and trouble-free trailering. Clinton works with local, untrained horses as well as their owners to demonstrate how he uses his training method to gain a horse’s trust and respect and start a safe, enjoyable partnership. He also works with his personal horses throughout the events to showcase advanced training techniques. Using the step-by-step instructions Clinton provides during each session, audience members are able to apply the same training approach to their horses at home. For the complete schedule visit

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