Every horse owner has a checklist for their dream barn. A functioning space should be one of the most important things. You want your horse's home to be safe and secure!

Check out these helpful tips!

  1. A 12 ft by 12 ft stall is ideal. That'll allow your horse to move around comfortably, but it won't take forever to clean.
  2. Each stall should have at least an 8 ft divider. It can have gaps in-between the boards though.
  3. All edges in your stall should be rounded.
  4. The aisle should be 12 ft or wider, which allows you to comfortably turn your horse around.
  5. Good barn ventilation is a must! This can be achieved with vents along the eaves and highest peaks.
  6. Store your hay in another location. Excessive moisture from the hay can become a fire hazard.
  7. Machinery should be separated with a fire-rated wall.
  8. Make sure your circuit breakers are up-to-date.
  9. A fire extinguisher should be kept in an easily accessible space.
  10. Feed and tack rooms should be placed in the center of a barn for convenience.
  11. Build your barn on the highest part of your land. This will help with drainage.
  12. Face the barn so it can utilize the summer wind and winter sun.
  13. Skylights provide lots of natural light.
  14. Each stall should have a light roughly 10 ft or higher.
  15. It's ideal to have a short-term manure pile near the barn and then a long-term pile further away.
  16. Invest in good-quality stall mats. You'll be able to cut down on sawdust!
  17. Be careful of bare concrete; it's slippery! Rubber mats in the aisle can add traction.
  18. An indoor wash stall can be very practical for year-round bathing and grooming.
  19. Automatic waterers will ensure your horse always has fresh drinking water.
  20. Check with your county and local township before you begin any kind of construction.

Whether a new construction or remodel, it's important your barn meets your current and future needs.

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