There’s a lot of reasons to love showing. You can put you and your horse’s training to the test. And what better reward than a blue ribbon! If you want to get a first place, then you better be prepared. Horse shows are not easy! Follow this advice in order to secure your favorite color- blue!

1. Teach your horse how to trailer load ahead of time

2. Watch a show without your horse to get a feel for the environment

3. Make a show day checklist and schedule

4. Bathe your horse the night before and cover them with a sleazy or light sheet

5. Visualize the class/pattern and how you plan to ride it

6. Hire a professional to braid your horse’s mane and tail (or practice braiding in advance if you want to do it yourself)

7. School one level higher than you show

8. Clean your tack beforehand to make it shine

9. Study your rulebook for what equipment is allowed

10. Consider paying a rail fee to have your instructor coach you throughout the day

11. Give your horse plenty of time to get comfortable with the showgrounds

12. Ask a friend or family member to help you for the day

13. Don’t ride in gadgets and expect your horse to perform the same way without them

14. If you’re on a budget stick to classic colors for your show clothes and avoid trends

15. Know how your horse behaves when they’re around others

Get prepared for show day and you’ll be that much closer to earning a blue ribbon!

Check out 5 Tips For Showing Horses On A Budget for more good tips!

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