Spring promises all kinds of excitement at the barn. It’s when you get to dust off your saddle and get your horse’s fitness back on target. This time of year should also be used to handle a few horse care responsibilities. There’s no better time to create a checklist and ensure your horse is ready for the season. Here’s some helpful tips to guarantee you’re set up for spring success.

  1. Plan to deworm your horse. You can take a manure sample to your veterinary to see what parasites are residing in your horse’s gut.
  2. Vacccinations are routinely done in the spring, right before the start of the show season. It might be wise to get a coggins test done too, if you plan to travel with your horse.
  3. Dental examinations are just as important as vaccines. If your vet is coming out anyway, why not see if your horse needs his teeth floated.
  4. Watch out for fungus! A lingering winter coat mixed with spring rain can spell disaster. Keep a lookout for fungus on the legs, back, hind, and hooves. Rain rot and thrush can easily pop up.
  5. Get a shedding blade. Your horse will be loosing his winter hair and would appreciate the help. These useful grooming tools gather loose hairs and help to pull the winter fur out.
  6. Find grooming products that’ll make your horse look less dingy. Whether dusty or muddy, those winter coats love to hold onto the grime. While it may be too soon to bathe them, products like ShowSheen can leave your horse shiny and tangle free.
  7. Condition your horse slowly for longer rides. Though warm weather can be tempting, please slowly build up your horse’s stamina before your ask him to take a few hour trail ride.
  8. Give his stall a thorough cleaning. Remove all the bedding from the corners and wipe down the walls. Start with fresh shavings or straw to eliminate dust and mold.

These simple and easy tips to follow will hopefully get your mind thinking about warmer weather. Each season brings unique horse care tasks and it’s important to not overlook essential responsibilities. Create a plan and get ready for spring!

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