Dreams really do come true! With tears in his eyes, Tik Maynard accepted his 2024 World Championship buckle at the Road to the Horse competition. This event was held from March 21st to the 24th. The world's most elite horse trainers competed in this colt-starting competition. This year proved to be an exciting event!

The Road to the Horse Event

This year there was an incredible lineup of trainers including Donal Hancock, Tik Maynard, Ken McNabb, and wild card C.D. Wilcox. The colts came from Wild Card Remuda, Championship Remuda, and the Pitchfork Ranch.

Judges were to evaluate each trainer's ability to communicate, educate, and build a partnership with their assigned colt. The colt starter with the highest score throughout the competition is the winner.

This Year's Winner, Tik Maynard

Tik Maynard is the son of Rick and Jennifer Maynard, both accomplished riders. He has evented at an Advanced level and has even been Long-Listed and Short-Listed for Canadian National Three-Day Event Team. Twice, Tik has won the Thoroughbred Makeover challenge. He teaches clinics in Canada, the United States, England, and Scotland. He's also an online instructor and published author.

Enjoying his victory announcement! Tik's score was 504.5. In 2nd place, Ken McNabb received a score of 441.5. Third place went to Donal Hancock with 407.0 and in fourth C.D. Wilcox with 338.5.

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