
584 Results for "crafty cowgirl"

Crafty COWGIRL: Facts On Flax

The answer in short – yes! This tiny seed, also known as linseed, can be very beneficial. However, there are certain precautions that should be taken before adding it to every meal. First of all, flaxseed is easiest to feed, store and keep fresh when it’s purchased already ground up. Finding a feed store that...

Crafty COWGIRL: DIY Hoof Conditioner

Aside from being what all horses walk on, hooves are essential in supporting a horse’s weight, helping with traction and balance, and also as shock absorbers for the rest of their body. All of these functions are not easily executed without having proper care and maintenance. We have all seen a dry and cracked hoof,...

Crafty COWGIRL: Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice

As soon as fall rolls around, everyone goes crazy for pumpkin-flavored things! Candles, coffee, cookies, and even clothing have been bombarded by these jovial orange fruit (yes, technically pumpkins are a fruit). But we can’t leave our horsey friends out of this seasonal craze! Indulge in the fall spirit by treating your steed with a...

Crafty COWGIRL: DIY Detangler 

Let’s face it, valuable barn time should not be wasted trying to get knots out of your horse’s hair. Grab a few ingredients, break out your crafty side, and save yourself the future hassle! This DIY mane and tail detangler will not only assist you in getting rid of existing knots, but will also help...

Crafty COWGIRL: Desensitizing for the Dime-Saver

Many horses struggle with spooking. This is a natural reaction for horses that comes from their wild ancestors, living out among predators and human influence. Horses are often shamed for being “too spooky” or “too flighty”, although that isn’t really a fair accusation. If horses weren’t overly aware of their surroundings, there probably wouldn’t be...

Crafty COWGIRL: Banana Flax Snacks

Recently I touched on some of the many benefits of implementing flaxseed into your horse’s diet. One of the best ways to start giving your horse flax without just dumping a bunch onto their grain, is by using it in your horse treats. I have put together a recipe for banana and flaxseed treats that...

Crafty COWGIRL: Raising Chickens On The Ranch

While raising chickens is not unchartered territory with many farmers, ranchers and homesteaders, it’s benefits are often wildly overlooked. Yes, chickens can be entertaining and they do, of course, give you the gift of eggs, but there are several other reasons to add these funny, fluff-balls into your operation today.  Bug Control  Chickens eat several...

Crafty COWGIRL: The Craftiest Cowgirls On The Market

I have always considered myself a creative person and have thoroughly enjoyed DIY projects since I was very young. That was honestly a big motivator for me in starting this column; so that I could share my passion for making the most of what you have, taking old things and making them beautiful, and also...

Crafty COWGIRL: Tips To Take Back Home

Since writing the “Craftiest Cowgirls” article a few days ago, which highlighted several artisans and their talents, I have felt compelled to recognize other ladies in the western world and their many strengths. Today I would like to make note of a few women that are extremely gifted in the area of home decor. I...

Crafty COWGIRL: Marvelous Mothers Spotlight 

Over the past several weeks, I have thoroughly enjoyed spotlighting women in the western world to recognize their skills and strengths. It’s been very challenging to narrow down my lists to only a few women and that was definitely the case this week. I am excited to debut some of the amazing mothers that I’ve...
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