
Dear Cowgirl, You are made of sagebrush and fire.

April 11, 2019
Dear cowgirl, You are made of sagebrush and fire. Big country and blue sky. You live for the long trot and long days. Coming home and pulling off sun hardened underslungs and white dust filled Levi’s. Washing the grit from long hair while thinking. Of that damn black cow. You let get by you and...

Dear Cowgirl, Start Living

Dear Cowgirl, Ignore the nonsense. Snuggle more. Get rid of your TV, or buy the complete collection of Tom Selleck movies. Work hard and play even harder. Let your loved ones help you when they offer. Stop saying yes so much. Cook for yourself. Read something challenging. Hike up a mountain. Dance to an 80s...

Dear Cowgirl, I see you.

Dear Cowgirl, I see you. I feel you. You are the girl that just doesn’t “fit” anywhere. You’re in between sizes, in between successes, in between elation and giving up. In your mind, you’re not a failure but not yet victorious. You’re unable to relate to anyone completely, and your story doesn’t align with enough...

Dear Cowgirl, You have come THIS far.

Dear Cowgirl, Do you ever stop and think, “Wow, I’ve made it this far!” Some days, you wake up and slide on cold denim and worn boots, feeling defeated and waiting for something better. Some days, the prospect of the sun rising feels like too much to handle… But on those hard days, those ones...

Dear Cowgirl, Approach Your Life Like A Homestead

February 21, 2019
Dear cowgirl, Strikes me that we could learn a lot from a log cabin. I don’t mean one of those fancy new ones with the plastic logs – I mean the solid, stood-the-test-of-time homesteads. The ones carved out of harsh country and hard work.  What if we approached our lives like a homestead? Like these old cabins...

Dear Cowgirl, Stop Thinking You Have To Be Perfect

February 14, 2019
Dear Cowgirl,  Stop it.   Stop trying to please them.  Him.  Her.  It.  Everyone.  Stop thinking you have to be perfect.  Stop questioning your own heart.  Stop wondering why you aren’t “there,” and love your “here.”  I know there’s so much pressure, stress… real life.   I know bills need to be paid, relationships maintained, and needs met.   I know the truck...

Amberley Snyder's New Netflix Movie Gets Official Release Date

February 7, 2019
Earlier this month, COWGIRL let fans know that Netflix would be releasing a movie based on the inspirational barrel racer Amberley Snyder. For those who are just learning about the film for the first time, read an excerpt from the movie synopsis below. “At 18, Amberley, a nationally ranked amateur barrel racer about to go pro, is...

Dear Cowgirl, It Gets Better

February 7, 2019
Dear Cowgirl,  Letters began flowing in last week. Mothers. Women with stretch-marks who are afraid their worth lies in the smoothness of their skin or the color of their eyebrows.  It breaks my heart. I read the letters while eating bacon and drinking a beer.  It’s my favorite breakfast.  I sift through the letters of...

Dear Cowgirl, Don't Let People Ruin Your Day

January 31, 2019
Dear Cowgirl,  Do me a favor.  Right now.  No, I’m serious, put down the coffee, push pause and do something for me…  Tell yourself you dig what and who you are.  Right now.  I know you feel weird. I don’t care. Do it. You’re worth loving.  Got it? Cool. Moving on.  I hope you remember today that the...
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