The 3Fs of horses was developed by equine behaviorist, Lauren Fraser. They're the top three demands of a happy life for horses. If you ask a horse owner what would make their equine friend happy, you might get a range of answers. Lauren challenged the horse industry to set aside their own human perceptions and think like a horse instead. She believed most horse owners wanted to do right by their horses and make them happy. It's a lot simpler than you might imagine. By meeting the 3Fs, you can improve your horse's life dramatically.

Following the 3Fs

The three demands a horse has are friends, forage, and freedom.

Friends: Your horse is a social being. They enjoy living in a herd and interacting with other equines on a day-to-day basis. They develop social bonds and feel secure within a herd. They often groom, play, and rest with their fellow mates. For their well-being, it's important you give them the opportunity to be around other horses every day.

Forage: Horses need a forage-based diet. They're grazers! Forage can be in the form of grass, hay, haylage, chaffs, and grass replacers. Not only is forage good for your horse's gut, but it can improve their mental health. After all, they spend most of their day eating.

Freedom: The freedom of movement and freedom of choice are very important to your horse's well-being. Ideally, group turnout is possible. This allows the horse to move throughout the day. They're in charge of how and when they "stretch their legs". Other ways to incorporate movement include loose schooling in a riding arena. For some, it can be hard to get their horse regular turnout, but the impact it has on their physical and mental health should prompt you to find a way.

The 3Fs of horses allows them to live a more natural life. These are fundamental requirements!

three horses COWGIRL magazine
A herd of horses stretching their legs. Photo by Gene Devine.

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