Emily Fought


5 Benefits Of Positive Reinforcement Horse Training

Positive reinforcement is a type of training. It has been known to have many benefits when used with horses. In simple terms, when the horse gives the desired response they receive a reward. A reward is usually a treat, though scratches can be used in some cases. Many trainers that turn to positive reinforcement or...

Control Bugs Naturally With Chickens

Most farms have chickens. They can be very beneficial to have around. Not only will you enjoy farm-fresh eggs every morning, but they’re great at keeping bugs under control. You can reduce the flies and ticks on your horse farm will a small flock of chickens and/or guinea fowl. You won’t believe the difference they...

How To Help Your Horse Shed Faster

With longer days here, your horse is likely shedding out their winter coat. The sunlight encourages them to shed. For horse owners, it means being covered in hair every time you go to the barn. It’ll be all over your sweater, pants, saddle pad, cinch, everywhere you can imagine. If you’d like to speed up...

Getting Your Horse To Move Off Your Seat & Legs

Do you want a more responsive horse? You need to learn to ride with your seat and legs then. Often beginners are quick to grab the reins, but the bit should be used an as enforcer. Your seat and legs are your first cues! Once you master this, you’ll notice more fluid movements and better...

10 Signs Your Mare Is In Heat

Those that own mares should familiarize themselves with their horse’s heat cycle. With spring in the air, your mare is likely to begin a 21-day estrus cycle. She becomes receptive to breeding. If you’re wondering why this matters to you, some mares become more difficult to handle during this time. They may need a day...

The Donkey's Cross

When you look at the back of a donkey, you’ll see a dark marking that appears to be a cross. It runs along their back and down their shoulders. In the Christian faith, donkeys play an important role in the story of Jesus. Some storytellers offer an explanation as to why the donkey bares a...

10 Dental Terms Every Horse Owner Should Know

If you look inside your horse’s mouth, you’ll see a lot of teeth! Like us, they’ll vary in size and purpose. Most horses have between 36 and 42 teeth. Their adult teeth will continue to grow throughout their life. Riders often examine their horse’s teeth to determine an approximate age. The grooves and wear patterns...

5 Reasons Your Horse Is Cinchy

When saddling a cinchy horse, they will usually act out in some way or another to protest having the cinch tightened. There are a number of reasons why a horse may fuss. Sometimes, it’s related to pain and other times it’s behavioral. You’ll need to get to the root of the problem before it gets...

Introducing The 2024 Road To The Horse Winner, Tik Maynard

Dreams really do come true! With tears in his eyes, Tik Maynard accepted his 2024 World Championship buckle at the Road to the Horse competition. This event was held from March 21st to the 24th. The world’s most elite horse trainers competed in this colt-starting competition. This year proved to be an exciting event! The...
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