Cowgirl - Liberty Training

If you’re interested in gaining the respect of your horse, while maintaining a positive relationship, it might be time to check out liberty training. Using the natural language of the horse, you become the alpha mare and hold the undivided attention of your herd mate. Your horse is eager to follow a leader that they can trust and where their safety will be promised.

A liberty handler relies heavily on body language. No restrictive tools should be used, rather the horse is free to come and go. Because the horse has the power to choose to participate, trainers should motivate the horse to want to engage by creating positive environments.

Liberty horses experience improved strength, suppleness, and self carriage. They put genuine effort into the exercise because at any point they could walk away if it becomes too much. You may teach them driving aides, following positions, and even do circle work. Bonding time is essential and can consist of just hanging out in their pasture for ten minutes everyday. Other times, greeting your horse by walking up to him and extending a hand out for contact is helpful in relationship building.

Less is often more with liberty training. It’s important to keep sessions in short bursts of 10-20 minutes. Don’t let your horse become bored. Change up the exercises and keep him stimulated. And make sure to practice safety, your horse may become playful.

If interested in trying liberty training with your horse, find a reputable trainer or online resource to act as a guide. Keep at it and soon enough you’ll have a partner for life.

Cowgirl - Liberty Training

PC: bambe1964 at Flickr

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