Not every dog will be friendly toward horses or other livestock. In fact, some will be aggressive and attack them. If you want to keep your horse safe, then you'll need to take proper measures to keep stray dogs away. Depending on how close you live to others, loose dogs can be a real problem. Don't wait until something tragic happens... Take preventive action now!

Keeping Loose Dogs Away

  1. Good fencing can deter many predators from entering your fields. Electric isn't always successful in keeping dogs away, as they can often run through it quickly to avoid a shock. No climb fencing is a safer bet. The tiny holes will not allow a dog to fit through it.
  2. For those that have large acreage, a livestock guardian dog will protect the herd and keep predators away. Great Pyrenees are very good at their job!
  3. Check into your local laws first, but many states allow farm owners to shoot a dog that is attacking their livestock. The idea of shooting someone's dog may sound sad, but remember your horses and family come first. Sometimes, a warning shot is all that is needed to scare them off. If they live nearby, they will likely return though.
  4. Talk to your neighbors. Explain to them that no loose dogs are welcomed on your property. Some neighbors are respectful and will immediately rectify the issue, while others will need animal control called on them.
  5. There are commercial dog repellents that will deter dogs from coming onto your property. These are a hit or miss for many, but worth a try is the dog doesn't seem to be aggressive.

Unfortunately, the law can be tricky. Dogs and their owners have rights, though farmers and horse owners also do. You need to ensure that whatever approach you choose is legal. Do your research for your local area and state.

stray dog COWGIRL magazine
A dog out in the snow. Photo by Jairo Alzate.

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