In horse training, it's important you become an effective leader. Your horse values their security and survival above all else. Their natural instincts encourage them to follow the leader of the herd. You can strive to be the lead mare in your herd of two!

Signs of an Ineffective Leader

You may think you have your horse's respect, but that's not always the case. Ask yourself these questions...

  • Does your horse make the same mistakes over and over again?
  • When you apply light pressure, does your horse react immediately?
  • Are your corrections effective?
  • Is your horse obedient?

Be A Good Leader

If a horse understands what you're asking but doesn't obey or listen to your command, then they likely don't see you as a leader. Your correction isn't effective or the pressure isn't strong enough.

Here's an example: your horse snatches grass as you're walking them. You yank on the lead rope and drag their head up. They may lift their head up for a few seconds, but the minute you try to walk forward they reach down again for more grass. This may happen over and over as you walk from their field to the barn.

This horse isn't respecting you. Your correction is ineffective! Your horse understands what you want, but they're choosing to ignore it and indulge in the grass instead.

To be a good leader, you need to change your correction or the pressure. In this specific example, you might try hustling your horse's feet and making them back up for a few minutes. It will vary based on your horse. Respect is earned by getting your horse to move their feet.

horse tied COWGIRL magazine
A horse standing patiently. Photo by Flavio Anibal.

Your horse will listen to you when you become an effective leader. You got this!

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