Cowgirl - Markings

Horses can have an array of unique markings on their face. Whether the pattern is wide, skinny, speckled, or barely noticeable, it’s what makes your horse different. Frequently, a simple white marking will be used to differentiate two similar colored horses. Your veterinarian will also identify your horse based on his facial and leg patterns. It’s essential to know what the terms mean!

Cowgirl - MarkingsPC: eXtensionHorses

Star: A white marking, varying in size, that can be found above or between a horse’s eyes. It usually resembles a jagged circle.

Snip: Right between the nostrils, the snip is a small white marking located on the muzzle.

Stripe: This marking can be seen running down the center of a horse’s face. It will be narrow.

Blaze: Similar to the stripe, this white marking is wider. It should travel down the length of a horse’s face.

Bald: The white will either extend to the eyes or past them. Most of the face will be covered.

Facial markings can be very faint, as long as the hair is permanent. They can also be crooked or jagged and be broken (not extend the entire length of the face). Often, the patterns will connect to one another or a horse will have multiple types. Markings on the lip don’t have a specific name, but can still be used to identify a horse.

It can be fun to challenge yourself and identify the patterns on the horses at your barn. See who can get the most right. It might be harder than you think!

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