During tough financial times, it’s important you know how to manage your horse’s care on a budget. Before you put up the for sale sign, there’s a few things you can do to cut down on costs and still keep your horse happy.

1. Keep your horse outside: A proper run-in shelter is sufficient for most horses. The majority of them don’t need fancy blankets or stalls. They can remain healthy and happy turned out 24/7. You can cut labor expenses and eliminate a need for sawdust. Field board is usually much less expensive as well.

2. Feed efficiently: Learn about nutrition and what your horse needs to be healthy. This will include his level of exercise and basics like age, weight, and metabolism. Many horses don’t require grain and can do just fine on good grass or hay.

3. Buy in bulk: When you buy sawdust and hay in larger quantities you can often save on money. This only works if storage isn’t an issue.

4. Fecal test and de-worming: A fecal test is usually under $20 and can help you determine what de-worming treatment your horse needs. An infested horse can develop a wide range of problems, including colic and weight loss. You should also regularly pick up manure in well-traveled areas.

5. Share your horse: Leasing your horse out either part-time or full-time is a great way to make him more affordable. You can also see if your barn wants to use him to teach lessons a few times a week.

Managing your horse’s expenses can get tricky, but with some planning and preparation you can cut down on costs.







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