Showmanship is a popular class in which the handler leads the horse through various maneuvers. Scoring is based on how well the competitor exhibits the horse. Grooming and presentation are also taken into consideration. If you want to earn high points in this competition, then you'll need to learn how to position your body.

Showmanship Tips

  • When standing, position your body like you're carrying a pizza box. You don't want to drop it, so stand up tall.
  • Don't put your elbows into your side, instead stand proud.
  • Imagine there's a horizontal line in front of your horse's nose. Never cross it!
  • Wait for your judge to move before you do.
  • Correct a moving horse, even if that means blowing the class.

Watch Terry Myers and his daughter show you the how to move as the judge moves.

Showmanship helps you get ready for halter classes. It's a great stepping stone! It's also a fun class that tests you as a handler.

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