Barrel racing is a fun discipline that draws in new riders every year. In the beginning, you may be a bit confused on the different divisions and where you fit in. Once you learn more about the system and how it operates, you'll find it's not so complicated.

The 4D Barrel Racing System

This system of divisions is based on time and performance. Horse and rider teams with the best scores will be placed in a more advance division. Their competitors are running similar times. Divisions include 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D. Occasionally, there's a 5D and 6D devision.

While the pattern is the same for each rider, the time brackets will be different. 1D is for the fastest of teams. They set the standard for what the other divisions will be. Each subsequent division adds 0.5 seconds of time.

  • 1D - Fastest time
  • 2D - .5 seconds slower than the best
  • 3D - 1 second slower than the best
  • 4D - 2 seconds slower than the best

Many rodeos and clubs will pay out the first two places in each division. This allows beginners a chance to win!

galloping horse COWGIRL magazine
Western horse and rider. Photo by Christine Benton.

This system creates an equal opportunity for every rider and horse. The best of the best get to compete directly against each other, while new riders still have the opportunity to win. It makes the sport thrilling for everyone!

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