Native to the steppes of Central Asia, the Takhi horse is believed to be the last truly remaining wild horse. Their DNA is said to differ from modern domestic horses. Their history is very interesting! Unfortunately, they're considered rare and endangered. While they were once extinct in the wild, they have since been reintroduced to their native habitat in Mongolia.

Takhi Horses

Research continues to uncover the history of these unique animals. Skeletons have been found dating back to the fifth and third millennia BCE in Central Asia. They have the genetic lineage of Takhi horses. Reports throughout history have depicted them, including descriptions from about AD 900.

Learn more about their fascinating history with this video from TED-Ed on YouTube. Nigel Rothfels does a great job explaining the twists and turns of their story. He talks about the role that scientists and zoos had in saving them from extinction.

What an interesting story! Research continues to uncover more history about the different types of horses across the world.

Did you know that there are clones of Przewalski’s horse? The first clone was born in 2020 and the second in 2023 with the help of San Diego Zoo Global Frozen Zoo.

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