Cowgirl - TreelessPC: snickclunk

Treeless saddles have caused quite a bit of commotion in the horse world. Equestrians are trying to get the real facts about this innovative idea- a saddle without a tree. It turns out that these saddles are a great option for many riders and horses. If you’re in the market for a new saddle, it might be time to do some investigating!

A traditional tree is the main support of the saddle, and is usually wooden or some kind of synthetic material. It is layered with padding and foam to make it less rigid on the horse’s back. It helps to distributes the rider’s weight equally on the back. However, many times they can be difficult to fit.

A treeless saddle consists of flexible layers of padding. They have a lot of unique benefits, as you’ll see below.


  • Great alternative for hard to fit horses
  • They mold to the horse’s back to eliminate pressure points
  • Perfect for the young growing horse
  • Much more affordable than a custom saddle fit
  • Allows for a close contact ride
  • Horse can extend movement without restriction
  • Helps balance the rider over the horse’s back
  • Available in many models and types
  • Lightweight

While there are a lot of pros with treeless saddles, they are not for everyone. You may still have trouble fitting your horse to them, and some riders might not enjoy the close contact ride. Depending on your situation, they are a great alternative to traditional treed saddles…definitely worth a look!

Cowgirl - TreelessBonzai, $899.00; Black Forest Treeless Saddles.

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